Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dreaming of a Mudroom

So I have been literally itching to do a home project. I am a glutton for punishment maybe. But I just love doing home improvement projects!!! I have a list, as you may recall, but there is one thing that isn't on that list, that I *think* will be an easy project for Cole and I to do. If I can talk him into it. And that is a big if.

Honestly, I am not even sure this is a good idea. But...

We have this little nook in our garage, that is currently cluttered with a lot of stuff:

It doesn't always look like this. Okay. Maybe it does. But lets just pretend. Mmmkay...

As you can see, it is a nice little nook. And no nook should go unused. That is one of my motto's for home decor. A good nook is a golden opportunity! So I was thinking that, since I really want a mud room, and my house circa 1997 wasn't built with one on the inside, why not make one in the garage nook?!

The idea is to use this leftover piece of bead board my sister gave me (projects run in the family):
and then add some trim moulding and hooks to the top. Then add a bench and baskets, similar to this one, and voila, instant(ish) mudroom!

So here are the potential problems:

1. Spiders. We don't have just a super buggy garage, but I am terrified of a spider being in a shoe, so I couldn't leave my shoes out there. Not sure I could really leave my coat and bags out there either. Gonna have to think about it.

2. Usage. Would we use it? I don't know. It isn't the type of project that would add any value to our home, therefore I don't want to spend a lot of money on it. So if we didn't use it, it's not worth it.

3. Cole. He is the type of guy that is happy with plain white walls and green counter tops. Which I appreciate about him. But sometimes projects like this take some convincing if I want his help. Now if I am going to do it by myself, he is just fine with it! HAHA!!!

So, what is your vote? Go for it? Or not?


Lily said...

I dream of a house with a mudroom...because without one every room is muddy!