Y'all. My baby girl turned THREE yesterday! THREE!!!! I can hardly believe it!
We have had a lot going on- Archer's birth on 12-13-12, and then my in-laws were in a horrible car accident on 12-15-12, and both spent over a month in the hospital. We are just so thankful they survived! But they are both still recovering. So with all of that, plus all of the yuck that has been going around lately, we just decided to celebrate her birthday this summer, when we can enjoy the sun and her favorite thing- WATER!
But I did want to record just a few fun things that she is doing now!
*She LOVES her brother, and enjoys rocking him and rubbing his head.
* She has started crossing her arms. Not sure where she picked that up from, but it is a fun development!
* She loves school and is excited to go each day! She is in LOVE with Mrs. Karen. Sadly, her regular teacher is on maternity leave so Mrs. Karen is only a sub. I think Ava will really miss her when she is gone.
* She has started eating SO many new things at school, and it has really opened her eyes to a whole new world! I have always been cautious- too cautious- about what I give her. I am trying to be better about that and want to make sure I don't do the same with Archer. Live and learn!
* She loves playing outside at school, and usually comes home dirty and happy! One of her first days, she had dirt and mud on her from being outside. Her teachers apologized to me, and I told them that kids should be dirty! That a dirty kid is usually a happy one!
* I have been putting her hair in pigtails and she looks so big!!! So fun!
* She is VERY popular at school! The other kids in her class always greet her and I will usually have faculty and staff (that I don't know and that don't work with her) greet her by name each morning! I love that!
I have a meeting at her school tomorrow for her new IEP. I am nervous since this is the first formal IEP meeting- the first of many! For those that don't know, and IEP is an Individual Education Plan. These are special educational and therapy plans for special needs students. They are very important and can be very stressful and awful from what I hear. I think just about every special needs parent has an IEP horror story after their child is finished with school. But I love her school now and I fully expect to have nothing but good things come from the conference!
Ava, mommy can't believe how big and mature and sweet you are! I love being your mommy and I am so blessed to have been able to love on you for the last three years, and I look forward to many more! I love you SOOOOO much!
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