Saturday, November 12, 2011

Balancing Act

I have always been a "yes" person. My parents instilled a strong work ethic in my sister and I, and I think the desire to please people and not say "no" is a by product. Honestly, I have always liked that about myself. But lately I have started having to say "no" and prioritize my projects. I don't know why I feel like I have SO much more going on since the diagnosis. We had the same therapy schedule prior to that phone call? I guess with the holidays coming up and with the emotional drain that the diagnosis has caused, it just seems like I have so much going on. I mentioned to my mom today that I really feel like I need to make better use of Ava's nap time, get more things done. She said that she thought I got a remarkable amount of things accomplished considering. I guess it is all perspective- she doesn't see the little naps I take while Ava is sleeping! HA! But in my defense on that, Ava is a *very* active child. You might be reading this, thinking "yeah right! My kid is active too!" But I assure you, Ava can crawl circles around just about any other child out there. In fact, all of the therapists in the clinic always joke about how she is just all over the place. They have even offered to let me nap in one of the small play rooms! HA!

I have had to turn down some paying projects- people wanting things for Christmas. I hate to do that, but I just feel so drained and overwhelmed, with the mix of therapy 4 days a week, the doctor and specialist visits, the phone calls, Cole being gone so much, and just having to manage our usual household goings on- which in our household are usually not "usual."

So here are some things I have been working on finishing before I start the cleaning needed for Thanksgiving! Sorry the pictures are such poor quality- I am too lazy to find my real camera, so iPhone pictures must do...

Here is the secretary my sister gave me. She bought it off Craigslist, but it was too small for her, so I traded her my big desk out of my craft room for this! But he needed a little TLC. In the form of Annie Sloane Chalk Paint. :)

Painted with Annie Sloane Chalk Paint in Graphite. Then I distressed it. It did take two coats (I am guessing because of the dark color and finish of the secretary). But it was well worth it! I even love the existing hardware on it! Didn't have to paint them or anything! I love when things work out like that!

Here is another thing we have been working on. My parents are AWESOME- I just needed to say that. :) This is the "centerpiece" behind the sink! I love it!!! SO excited!

The sink side in progress... see the peak of my granite! Eeek! I love it and can't wait for the backsplash to be done, then I will show it to you. Which will hopefully happen soon! We plan on grouting today!

Here is the range side. Still with the spacers (aka washers). The dark tile is hard to really see in the pictures. But it is dark brown with some gray in it, and it is textured so it almost looks like wood or slate. Such cool tile!
And continuing the trend of horrible (but adorable) iPhone pictures, I leave you with a few of my sweet angel! She is just so precious and I am so blessed to be her mommy!!!!

Diggin' for toys!!!

Considering a joy ride! ;) That ball in the background is our "giant spiky ball." Best $13 at Toys R Us I have ever spent! She uses it for therapy and therapy exercises all the time. I am really thinking about going back and getting another one.

Sweet girl sleeping away. Precious!

I could just sit and watch her sleep all day! She is so cute!

I promise I will share with you our "big news" when I can! I will give you a hint: it is employment related, so we are waiting until Cole is in the uniform to say anything publicly! ;)