I cannot believe my boy is already 8 months old! Time needs to slow down just a bit! I am trying to savor every second of this time I can, because I know it goes so fast! I am a bit behind- things have been wild around here lately! But here is a snapshot of my boy at 8 months!
At your last doctors appointment (6 month checkup) you were 29", which put you in the 99% for length! You continue to get longer and longer, and I have a feeling you are going to be a tall boy!I don't know how tall you are, but your walker and bouncer are both on the tallest settings! I took you to the doctor the other day (poor boy, you had a cold!) and another mom in the waiting room was shocked that you had just turned 8 months because you were as tall as her 2 year old!!!
You wear all 9-12 month clothes now, and even some 18 month stuff! You are totally out of anything smaller than 9 months, but I still haven't cleaned out your closet. I am not ready for you to grow up! It is getting harder and harder to keep you in clothes! You have been wearing hats and sunglasses too, since we are spending more time outside (which you love!). Your socks are 12-18 month socks- you have HUGE feet! We have stopped using footed PJs for you because your feet are just too big for them! Thankfully I have been able to find some two piece PJs for you, although most nights you are happy to just wear a onesie to bed.Nicknames
Arch, Bub, Bubs, Bubba, Brother, Chubs, Chunky Monkey, BuddaBall, Chubbers, Archie-Boy (I am the only one who is allowed to call him that...he will NOT be called "Archie" if I can help it!)I have heard several family members call him "Archie" lately...that must stop.
You are now eating "solids" 3 times a day! But you still nurse about 4-6 times a day, too. Or take a bottle. You are getting better at taking a bottle (just not from me) and thanks to your new sleeping habits, I have been able to get a good stock of pumped milk stored up. You love pretty much everything we have given you~ squash, carrots, banana, sweet potato, pear, apple, green beans... You are still not too hot on avocado or asparagus. But that will change! We are still working on those and I am determined that you will at least like avocado! It is so good for you!!! You are getting better and better at drinking water from a sippy cup and I think you are enjoying it! You have even started sneaking your sister's when she is not looking, so I am sure you have gotten some juice on accident at this point. We still only give you water, and you seem to be liking it more.
I am so happy to report that you have become a MUCH better sleeper! Still not wonderful, but oh so much better! We put you to bed at 7-7:30, and you still cry for about 15-30 minutes (sometimes less) and sleep until anywhere from 4-7. If you wake at 4-6, I nurse you and get you back to bed. Otherwise you are up for the day. We also have you on a pretty good nap schedule. You nap twice a day, once in the mid-morning (around 10) and once in the mid-afternoon (around 1-3ish). It is SO much better! I feel like a human again, and having you in your own bed has done wonders for my back! I am not sleeping on a sliver of the bed anymore!
Fun Stuff- some are the same from months 1-7!
* You smile and laugh a lot! Especially in the mornings! That seems to be your happiest time of the day, after you have had your "coffee" (aka milk).
* You are mobile!!!! You are crawling everywhere and even cruising some! You love to pull up on everything and it makes me so nervous!
* You are still not a big fan of the carseat, but you are much better.
* You have decided that you hate bathtime. You also hate swimming. Bummer.
* You still love to be naked! You just smile and smile when you are stripped down!
* You are pretty much only fussy when something is wrong or you are not getting your way, or you are tired. At least now we can identify WHY you are fussing. That makes things a lot better!
* You chew on your paci more than suck, but that is because you are teething! You have two teeth all the way in and your top two middle teeth came in right around your birthday! You also have 3 more working their way in!
* You are very tolerant of your sister, and have really started watching and smiling at her. I think the two of you are going to be very close! Although you do love to pull her hair!!!
* You still prefer mommy, but are starting to really like that daddy guy, too!
* We have started baby safe finger foods- mostly puffs and yogurt melts. You do so well at feeding yourself- I am so proud!!!
* You give kisses now!
* You are still waving- albeit a very awkward, uncoordinated wave- at everyone you see! You are starting to get a little shy, though, and sometimes bury your head in my shoulder when someone talks to you. You get that from Daddy. Your separation anxiety is in full swing now, too! Oh boy, that is fun! HA!
* You still love to clap and you have even taught your sister how to clap again! She had lost that skill but has picked it back up from you! You are such a good brother!
* Everything you do, you prefer to do with your left hand! I think you are going to be a south paw!
* You are babbling so much now! You are saying mamamama and dadadada, as well as lots of other fun sounds! It is so funny!
* You have really taken an interest in Hugo and Wesley, and just laugh and squeal when you spot them! It is the highlight of your day if you get to touch one of them! When you are upset, they can make you happy when no one else- even mommy- can! You are going to be an animal lover, and I love that!
Archer- Happy 8 Months, sweet baby boy!!!! You are getting to be such a big, happy, fun, and outgoing boy! We love you so much and you have brought so much joy and happiness to our lives! We love you, and we thank the Lord each day for you! I pray that your daddy and I can honor God and raise you into the man He wants you to be!
~Mommy, Daddy, and Sister (Ava)
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