Well, October is over. :( But that means its...
(cue booming voice...)
I like November, can you tell??? I really like Thanksgiving. As a kid, my sister and cousins always looked forward to Christmas and the gifts. But not me. No. I looked forward to Thanksgiving. I have always liked to eat! HAHA!
Ava's first Halloween was so fun! We skipped out on Trick-or-Treating...no point with only one tooth.... ;) So we just hung out at home and handed candy out. It was fun! My parents came over, my mom cooked pork chops. Yummy. And we lowered Ava's crib to the lowest setting. Hard to believe that she is to that point already. But she will have her 9 month checkup next week! Where, oh where, does the time go???
Here are a few pictures from our Halloween...
So now that Halloween is over, it's time to pull out the Thanksgiving canvases! I have had these finished for a while...
Hope you have a wonderful week!!!!